About Paul
Paul Seeba’s debut album, “Mitchell Yards,” became the soundtrack for a PBS documentary that was awarded a regional Emmy for cultural relevance in 2015. His sound is versatile, straddling the lines of indie, rock, folk and country. Seeba’s lyrics often reflect the heritage of growing up in the mining town of Hibbing in Northern Minnesota. Despite growing up a few blocks from the boyhood home of Dylan, his first musical heroes came from the UK and Ireland.
Seeba’s first album was described with praise in Americana UK as, “This is a record full of that space, steeped in the beauty of North American music, true Americana.” International magazine, FATEA called his second release (Republic of Kinney), “A record that is full of well-written songs that take on some profound topics, but never at the expense of accessibility or a decent tune.”
His 2022 release is called ‘Votive’ and received high praise from FATEA magazine,“With ‘Votive’ Paul Seeba has continued to take challenging themes and ideas, then wrap them up in an accessibly commercial soundtrack for modern life that positively demands repeated listens. Another album, another cracker! Thoroughly recommended.” Seeba explores alternate tunings throughout the album that blends acoustic tunes, some gruff electric riffs along with melodious choruses. As a history teacher, the narratives are vital to Seeba’s songwriting. The stories in ‘Votive’ express optimism maintaining a sanguine theme, not to pretend troubles don’t exist, but to demonstrate they are not insurmountable.

Hibbing native Paul Seeba returns to the Historic Mitchell Yards to share music inspired by the 1906 roundhouse. His album, Mitchell Yards, celebrates the now-endangered place and the role it played in handling ore during World War II. He and his band mates perform on-location for The PlayList (PBS). The band: Rodney Tahija, Robert Seeba, Tim Kruchowski on location, and Rich Mattson & Greg Tiburzi on the soundtrack. The documentary earned a regional Emmy for cultural relevance.
Let’s Connect
A live version of the story & song of the “Republic of Kinney” will be sent your way once we connect.